07/02/2015    Interesting USPS Facts

Sometimes the numbers really tell the tale, and that is certainly true with the USPS. Here are some interesting stats from just ONE day in the life of the USPS:

Revenue received: $223.7 million

Mailpieces processed and delivered: 512.8 million

Number of address changes: 113,531

Number of addresses added to the delivery network: 3,206

Number of letter carriers who deliver mail entirely on foot: 7,000

Size and Scope

The USPS delivers more mail to more addresses in a larger geographical area than any other post in the world. The USPS handles forty percent (40%) of the world's mail volume. To further testify to the huge scope of the USPS, check out these statistics:

2014 FY revenue: $67.8 billion

Annual mail pieces processed and delivered: 155.4 billion

Number of career employees: 486,822

Number of non-career employees: 130,432

Number of USPS-managed retail post offices: 31,662

Number of vehicles: 211,264 (one of the largest civilian fleets in the world)

Number of delivery points nationwide: 153.9 million The USPS is the core of the mailing industry, which is a $1.3 trillion industry that employs more than 8 million people.